Our Technology Partners provide test solutions and services with the XJTAG Development & Test System to clients across the globe.

AIMFLEX BERHAD www.aimflex.com.my
End to end test and automation solutions to manufacturing customers.
Design, manufacturing, integration and deployment of testers and machines.
Maintenance and after sales support.
Customized Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for production shop floor control.

Alfa Test www.alfatest.ro
Your Test partner: Application S/W, AOI, ICT, Flying Probe, Functional Test, Boundary Scan
Altium www.altium.com
Altium focuses on electronics design systems for 3D PCB design and embedded system development. Altium products are found everywhere from world leading electronic design teams to the grassroots electronic design community.

Antycip Technologies www.antycip.com
Innovative solutions for the development, production and testing of electronic components, boards and systems: Software Application, AOI, X-Ray Test, Functional Test, ICT, JTAG Boundary Scan.

Assemblics www.assemblics.com
Flexible, high quality contract electronics manufacturing – fast-turnaround prototyping, production procurement and assembly, testing, programming and repair services.
Cadence Design Systems, Inc www.cadence.com
Cadence is a leading provider of system design tools, software, IP, and services. Cadence products enable engineers to design and verify advanced semiconductors, consumer electronics, networking and telecommunications equipment, and computer systems.
Datasound Laboratories www.dsl-ltd.co.uk
DSL designs & manages the ongoing logistics of both simple and complex processor solutions and related electronic circuitry to OEMs where off the shelf products are just not suitable.
Diagnosys www.diagnosys.com
Electronic Test Solutions and Services
EasyLogix www.easylogix.de
Your experts for individual Microsoft .NET Application Development for production, visualization and industrial plants. The latest standards and tools offer best flexibility and reliability.
Eiger Designwww.eigerdesign.com
Manufacture of modern PCBA Test Equipment, including complete modular JTAG-based functional test systems. Consultancy services.
Flying Test Systems www.flyingtest.co.uk
FTSL is a leading provider of advanced electronic test solutions. FTSL offers electronic circuit board test and repair services, Design for Test (DFT) consultancy services, as well as In-Circuit, Flying Probe and bespoke Functional Test equipment for your in-house production.
Ingenieria Integrada www.ingenieriaintegrada.com
Provide complete solutions for Industrial, Electrical and Telecommunication sectors, from development to maintenance and repair.
IPSES www.ipses.com
Specialising in customised electronic solutions, IPSES develops applications for test and measurement, industrial control, automotive, embedded systems, re-engineering and migration of technology. Offers a wide range of solutions and sevices to meet production and integrated testing requirements, whether it is turnkey systems, parts of systems, or upgrade and development of test sequences for existing systems.
KEERS Technologies www.keers-technologies.com
Test & Inspection Systems, Electronic Sub Assemblies, Manufacturing Services
Prophet 上海柏飞电子科技有限公司
Test Services: Boundary Scan, Functional test, Performance test, ATE supplier and all in one test solution provider. High level electrical products provider: Real-time measurement and control, data acquisition, signal processing, data processing, data recording, parallel computing, embedded control applications etc. overall solution experts and equipment provider.
Polaris www.polaris-sys.co.il
Multi-disciplinary Test Services and Solutions
6TL engineering www.6tlengineering.com
6TL engineering, as a division of S.A. Sistel, is an innovative systems engineering company with solid experience in test systems for electronics.
Siemens (formerly Mentor) eda.sw.siemens.com
Siemens EDA (formerly Mentor Graphics Corporation), is a leader in electronic design automation software. Siemens EDA enables companies to develop better electronic products faster and more cost-effectively. Innovative products and solutions help engineers conquer design challenges in the increasingly complex worlds of board and chip design.
SPEA www.spea.com
SPEA is a world-leading automated test equipment (ATE) manufacturer serving the semiconductor and electronics industries. The company’s bed-of-nails and flying probe board testers are multi-function test systems that utilise additional techniques such as optical inspection, 3D laser checking and open-pin detection to ensure maximum test coverage.
SSMC ( 苏州斯尔特微电子 ) www.ssmc.com.cn
SSMC provides test solutions and related customized fixtures (manual or pneumatic) for customers. We are a one-step turnkey solution provider in China supporting your electronics design, testing and manufacture.
SYSTECH Europe www.systech-europe.de
SYSTECH Europe is your partner for the flexible testing of electronic assemblies and for connection technologies in micro electronics. Specialised in planning, sales and service, we support you in your project from the request to the delivery, installation and training to after-sales support. SYSTECH Europe is the exclusive distributor of TAKAYA Flying Probe Testers in Europe.
Test Consultant test-consultant.com.my
Test Consultant provides turn key solutions for design validation and speed up faults diagnostics that may arise during design, prototyping and manufacturing of electronic boards
TME www.tmesrl.eu
Test and Manufacturing Engineering (TME) is an engineering company providing Products and Services throughout the whole Electronic Production Test Process for industries including Transport, Avionics, Telecommunications… TEST is the best way for Product and Process Improvement
The Test Connection Inc. www.ttci.com
Leading in Quality Test Engineering since 1980
ULMA Embedded Solutions www.ulmaembedded.com
Reliable engineering services and solutions along the whole embedded product lifecycle, from concept to design, with development, manufacturing and deployment stages.
VeRSis Tecnologia www.versis.com.br
Soluções avançadas em Teste & Medição para eletrônica
Zuken www.zuken.com
Zuken is a global provider of leading-edge software and consulting services for electrical and electronic design and manufacturing. Founded in 1976, Zuken has the longest track record of technological innovation and financial stability in the electronic design automation (EDA) software industry. The company’s extensive experience, technological expertise and agility, combine to create world-class software solutions.